Meet the Customer Service Team at ThermoPro - ThermoPro

Meet the Customer Service Team at ThermoPro

Meet the Customer Service Team at ThermoPro

These blogs aren’t normally presented in first person but for the next few entries, I’m going to make an exception. I am an outsider that was lucky enough to meet Greg Weigle and learn more about ThermoPro. In my initial conversations I quickly understood that ThermoPro has a somewhat unique culture. The people that work there don’t just care about their work, they care about their colleagues and their colleagues’ families.

Since the people make the company, I wanted to meet everyone and understand what makes them, make ThermoPro. So recently, I had the privilege of speaking with each department and I wanted to share a little about these amazing people with you.

Please meet, the Customer Support Team.

Gloria, Ingrid, and Joe.

When you call ThermoPro these beautiful people are most likely to answer. The first thing I noticed when I spoke with them was their warmth. Ingrid is surprisingly shy while Gloria has an incredible sense of humor and Joe is a quiet funny that will catch you by surprise.

Finding Atlanta

Like most ATLiens they are all transplants. Either following loved ones or simply falling in love with the city, they have all called Atlanta home for most of their adult life. In that time, they each found ThermoPro in unique ways; either from friends, colleagues or even a newspaper ad.

Working at ThermoPro

I couldn’t stop smiling when talking to the team about their goals. Each answer was so different but all centering around the same thing, customer satisfaction; this team wants to deliver an exceptional customer experience. Ingrid mentioned how much she likes being able to help people. “There’s something great about talking on the phone and really getting to know someone while helping them with what they need.”

Memories and Accomplishments

I was curious what accomplishments and memories stood out to each of them over the years. Gloria told me that the family atmosphere impressed her. As one of the newer employees (starting in 2017) she told me how much she appreciated the fairness at every level.

It’s funny saying a newer employee started in 2017, but most of the ThermoPro family have worked there for years. Joe told me about the low turnover rate. He mentioned the feeling of history they all have with each other. “It gives them a sort of shorthand that comes from everyone having such an extensive knowledge base, making it easy for us to move forward with orders quickly and efficiently.”

Gloria and Ingrid both had stories… you know the kind that comes from working in customer service. There are always challenges when helping people build something new.

Both women, had similar experiences of practicing restraint while communicating. As a hot head myself, I know the struggle. However, the “difficult customers” in these cases turned out to be some of their favorites to work with moving forward.

Joe works more on the graphics side of things. A background in the comic book industry, isn’t what you would expect but when you see his work, anyone can recognize quality. He told me how much fun it was to exhibit at the PPAI Expo in 2019. It was one of the first times he was able to meet many of the distributors that he had worked with for years.

Company Culture and Values

I asked each of them about the company culture knowing that their extensive experience at ThermoPro would be enlightening. When you’ve worked for a company for the better part of a decade, you really know it inside and out.

It made sense that they each said almost the same thing. Joe told me ThermoPro has “a nice family-centric attitude.” Ingrid reflected on the feeling of a “work family.” Gloria, the ever so slight outlier, brought up the feelings of trust, integrity, and fairness.

Overall, I got the feeling that the company culture is relaxed but still maintains a feeling of urgency for their clients. This urgency isn’t coming from the top, there’s no get-it-done attitude. There’s a real sense of pride I felt from each of them, ownership.


Anyone at ThermoPro will tell you the company purpose, “To Create Innovative Products.” But, I found the values to be more interesting. They respect the individual. That doesn’t just mean the clients, it extends to the thoughtful and considerate team that works there.

I asked each of them, “what was their favorite aspect of working at ThermoPro?” Not to my surprise, they each answered in similar fashion, family, friendly atmosphere and always something new to learn.

Check back with us as I continue speaking with the rest of the family in the coming weeks. Grab a sneak peek at our About Us page for a few mini bios on some of these fun folk.

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ThermoPro was founded in 1992. We have provided thermoformed parts in office products, recreational vehicles, medical devices, scientific instruments, home products, kiosks and retail displays, and transportation.


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1600 Cross Pointe Way, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097